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*THEMED TRIVIA has arrived at Country Club Gledswood Hills*



Themed Trivia will be held on the 1st Monday of every month in The Flame Bar from 7pm


Themes are:

Monday 1st August – FRIENDS!

Monday 5th September – The Simpsons

Monday 3rd October – Sex & The City

Monday 7th November – Harry Potter

Monday 5th December – Christmas


Entry for themed trivia is FREE, so grab your knowledgeable gang and get ready to take on other teams at Country Club.


Three lucky teams will walk away with a prize, so get competitive!

1st          $100 Cash

2nd         $50 Club Voucher

3rd          $25 Club Voucher


Note that regular trivia will still be held on all other Mondays.

*Note that this is an 18yrs+ event held in Flame Bar